
Psychosynthese in de wereld:

Gisteravond hadden wij een Zoom sessie met 55 mensen vanuit de hele wereld met een psychosynthese achtergrond georganiseerd door de EFPP. De 2 woorden die bij mij na afloop opkwamen zijn familie en hoop. Gezamenlijk maakten wij een wordcloud:

8 juni van 18.00-19.30  is de volgende. Ben jij er ook bij! >>>

Psicosintesi” Magazine

Vanochtend viel mijn oog op een nieuwe uitgave van “Psicosintesi” Magazinehttp://www.psicosintesi.it/…/rivista-ps…/eng/n-33-april-2020

In het magazine dat ik tot nu toe niet kende, een artikel van Donatella Randazo. Waarin ze lovende woorden uit over jawel de Broedplaats.
Ze schrijft:
Sharing this aim, I continued my research on Facebook, and was intrigued by a post by De Broedplaats voor psychosynthese: “Thanks for the invitation. We keep the psychosynthesis fire burning in the Netherlands with education, events and our network. See www.broedplaats.academy”.

Attracted by this fire, which seemed cheerful and crackling, through the link I reached the De Broedplaats
center in Amersfoort, The Netherlands: founded in the 70s of the past century as an Institute of Psychosynthesis, which became Psychosynthesis Academy in 2014, since last year it has assumed its current name; the pages being written only in Dutch, I made abundant use of the Google translator, with its strengths and weaknesses.

In the menu bar, the word “network” stands out leading to a page which presents the four key points on which their effective network between the center and the local territory rests: the first level are the meetings at the Center, consisting of evenings together, films, dinners,
workshops and lessons, to participate in which, as “ambassadors” of psychosynthesis, an annual registration is required; the potential members are advised that to participate “knowledge or experience of psychosynthesis is not as important, as the will to grow, curiosity and the desire to meet like-minded people”.

The two following key points, always giving credit to the automatic translator (but not entirely trusting it!) are aimed at those who, having already undergone training in psychosynthesis, have decided to give it a prominent role in their practice or in their work: these members, defined as “entrepreneurs” by De Broedplaats through the annual fee are allowed to gain visibility on the center’s
website and newsletter, and receive advice and suggestions for an effective wording and appropriate positioning on the web. An even higher level of enrollment, for “partner” members, also provides for the inclusion of three activities in the annual program of the center, including the classes engaged in the training courses. A virtuous circle is thus established between the center and the member, in which both refer to each other, to the full advantage of the diffusion of psychosynthesis: those who experience it in the partner’s practice or business are encouraged to attend the center and benefit from its activities ; the center in turn presents “accredited” professionals who creatively apply psychosynthesis in various working areas thanks to its openness and vision of life, and the meaning it brings to it.

The fourth key point, available for all members, is the blog as a space to “share the inspiration” or tell their story and experience, thus testifying the change brought about by psychosynthesis.

The De Broedplaats website is modern, it uses beautiful essential graphics with a clear organization of information and a language full of metaphors and inspiration for the visitor.

Wat een heerlijk compliment. Dankjewel Donatella!!!


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